Environment Setup

This tutorial was developed and tested with:

  • Red Hat OpenShift 4.12

  • Red Hat Single Sign-On 7.6

  • FreeIPA 4.9.8

Workshop Tools

The following tools are required to run the exercises in this tutorial. Please ensure that they are installed and properly configured before proceeding with any of the tutorial chapters.

Tool Reference

Red Hat OpenShift CLI

OpenShift Container Platform downloads page


Kubernetes Documentation - Tasks - Install Tools


Install Kustomize

Apache Maven

Installing Apache Maven

OpenJDK 11

How to download and install prebuilt OpenJDK packages





The extensions source code used during this workshop can be found at the following URL: https://github.com/aolle/rhsso-workshop-code

Deploying Red Hat Single Sign-On for OpenShift

Red Hat Single Sign-On can be deployed using either the Operator or the application template.

The Operator automates and simplifies the administration tasks in Red Hat OpenShift using custom resources (CRs). It means that we can create Red Hat Single Sign-On resources using these custom resources instead of using the Red Hat Single Sign-On admin console.

The Operator performs a one-way synchronization of the CRs. If we modify a CR directly (for example, using oc) the changes show up in the Red Hat Single Sign-On admin console. However, if the same resource is modified using the admin console, those changes have no effect on the CR.
If the Red Hat Single Sign-On fails during deployment, check if a LimitRange exists in the current Red Hat OpenShift project. Sometimes, the RHPDS environment automatically creates a LimitRange when a new project is created. Also, check the health check probes. The initial delay may require a higher value.
For this workshop, we assume that Red Hat Single Sign-On has been installed using the templates and imagestream method explained in 1.2.2 Deploying Red Hat Single Sign-On for Red Hat OpenShift using the templates. Additionally, for convenience and simplification purposes, we will depoy applications and services in the same project where Red Hat Single Sign-On is deployed.

Deploying Red Hat Single Sign-On for OpenShift using the Operator

You can use the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform web console to subscribe and deploy the Red Hat Single Sign-on Operator. The Red Hat Single Sign-On Operator simplifies the deployment process and it is ease to use, but less flexible than the template-based deployment.

Check the supported CRs here:

  • Open a browser window and log in to the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform web console.

  • From the Administrator perspective, click Operators, then OperatorHub.

  • In the Filter by keyword field, type rhsso.

operatorhub sso
  • Select the Red Hat Single Sign-On Operator tile and click Install.

install sso operator
  • On the Install Operator page, leave stable from the list of available Update Channel options. The Operator supports only the A specific namespace on the cluster as installation mode. Create the sso project. Choose Automatic update approval.

sso operator opts
  • Click Install.

Installing Red Hat Single Sign-On using a custom resource:

  • From the Administrator perspective, click on Operators, then select Installed Operators. Make sure to select sso project. Select Red Hat Single Sign-On Operator.

  • Click Create instance of the Keycloak tile.

keycloak tile
  • Change the Name if desired. Then, click Create.

Deploying Red Hat Single Sign-On for OpenShift using the templates

  • Create the templates and install the Red Hat Single Sign-On image stream.

For this workshop, we will use the sso76-ocp4-x509-postgresql-persistent template, which is Red Hat Single Sign-On 7.6 on OpenJDK + PostgreSQL (Persistent) for Red Hat OpenShift 4.X. The template does not require the manual creation of the keystores or truststores.
oc replace -n openshift --force -f \

oc replace -n openshift --force -f \

oc -n openshift import-image rh-sso-7/sso76-openshift-rhel8:7.6 --from=registry.redhat.io/rh-sso-7/sso76-openshift-rhel8:7.6 --confirm
  • Create the new project.

oc new-project sso
  • Add the view role to the default service account.

oc policy add-role-to-user view -z default -n sso
  • Deploy the template.

oc new-app --template=sso76-ocp4-x509-postgresql-persistent
Write down the auto-generated RH-SSO Administrator Username and RH-SSO Administrator Password required for login in to the Red Hat Single Sign-On admin console.

1.3 Deploying an Identity Management (IdM/FreeIPA) on Red Hat OpenShift

This section explains how to install FreeIPA, an Identity Management (IdM) solution that combines Linux, 389 Directory Server, MIT Kerberos, NTP, DNS and Dogtag.

FreeIPA is the upstream version of Red Hat Identity Management.

Later on, we will see how we can integrate Red Hat Single Sign-On with IdM/FreeIPA.

To get started, stay logged in into your Red Hat OpenShift platform, and for convenience, select the sso project that has been created previously. Follow the steps below for deploying a FreeIPA instance on top of Red Hat OpenShift.

# export the image that we are going to deploy
export IMG=quay.io/freeipa/freeipa-openshift-container:latest
export IMG_BASE=${IMG}

# clone the repository and deploy the roles and scc
# if preferred, a remote build could be performed instead of cloning the repository
git clone https://github.com/freeipa/freeipa-openshift-container.git
cd freeipa-openshift-container/
kustomize build deploy/admin | oc create -f -

# create the ocp template and deploy it
make template-create
make template-new-app

Write down the IPA_ADMIN_PASSWORD and IPA_DM_PASSWORD displayed on the terminal; we will need it later.

Open the FreeIPA administration console to verify that the access and credentials are working properly.
