Users, Organizations and Teams

Creating user accounts

To create a new user for our Red Hat Quay instance:

  • Open a browser window and log in to the OpenShift Container Platform web console.

  • From the Administrator perspective, click Operators, then Installed Operators. Select the quay-workshop project and the Red Hat Quay operator.

  • Select the Quay Registry tab and click on the recently created registry.

  • Open the Registry Endpoint.

quay registries
  • Create Account.

quay create account
quay create account2
  • Fill the data, create an account and sign in.

Creating Organization accounts

To create a new organization that allows sharing repositories of container images:

  • While logged in to Red Hat Quay, click Create New Organization.

quay create org
  • Type the name of the organization you want to create, and click Create Organization.

org create