Quay Repository Notifications

Quay supports adding notifications to a repository for various events that occur in the repository lifecycle, such as a new image push or tag deletion.

Creating a push to repository event notification

  • From the Red Hat Quay Dashboard, go to the olleb/kafka repository. Remind from 2.2 Quay Repositories, we created and pushed a strimzi/kafka image.

  • Click Settings.

  • Click on the + Create Notification button.

  • In the When this event occurs drop-down menu, select Push to Repository.

event list
  • Under the Then issue a notification drop-down menu, select Red Hat Quay Notification.

notification actions
  • In the Recipient drop-down menu, select owners.

  • In the Notification title text field, type A new image has been pushed into the repository.

notifications all
  • Click Create Notification.

Push a new image or add a new tag to the existing one in the repository.

podman pull quay.io/strimzi/kafka:latest-kafka-3.0.0
podman tag quay.io/strimzi/kafka:latest-kafka-3.0.0 ${QUAY_HOSTNAME}/olleb/kafka:3.0.0
# login if we are not already logged in
podman login ${QUAY_HOSTNAME}
podman push ${QUAY_HOSTNAME}/olleb/kafka:3.0.0

After a while, a notification will appear at the top of our dashboard indicating that a new image has been pushed into the repository.
